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Race Options
Race Options
Race Options
Sprint Triathlon
750m swim / 20k bike / 5k run

Sprint Aquabike
750m swim / 20k bike

Sprint Duathlon
3k run / 20k bike / 5k run

*NEW* - Sprint Aquathlon
750m swim / 5k run

Sprint Relay​​
750m swim / 20k bike / 5k run

Sprint Paratriathlon
750m swim / 20km bike / 5km run 

Olympic Triathlon
​​1 mile swim / 40k bike / 10k run

Olympic Aquabike
1 mile swim / 40k bike

Olympic Duathlon​​
5k run / 40k bike / 10k run

*NEW* - Olympic Aquathlon
1 mile swim / 10k Run

Olympic Relay​​
1 mile swim / 40k bike / 10k run

Olympic Paratriathlon
1 mile swim / 40k bike / 10K run

High School Sprint
750M swim / 20k Bike / 5k run

Athena/Clydesdale Sprint​​
750M swim / 20k Bike / 5k run 

Athena/Clydesdale Olympic
1 mile swim / 40k bike / 10k run

Elite Olympic
1 mile Swim / 40k Bike / 10k run

6K Run/Walk
1 loop around the lake

Registration includes a race t-shirt, swim cap, finisher medal, live race results, race photos, awards for the top finishers and a post-race party with music, food and drinks!  Additional items available for purchase.

2025 Race Swag
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Let's kick off the season

Lou Fusz Subaru St. Louis Triathlon

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SUNDAY, June 29, 2025

In partnership with St. Louis County Parks, the beautiful City of Maryland Heights, and MoDOT - MSE Racing is proud to return the fastest, most electrifying triathlon in the Midwest.  This is a USAT Sanctioned Event.

Taking place at the scenic and local favorite, Creve Coeur Park, the Lou Fusz Subaru St. Louis Triathlon is ideal for both veterans, and those new to the multi-sport experience.


A race like no other, with YOUR experience as our primary focus.  At the Lou Fusz Subaru St. Louis Triathlon every athlete is a champion!

USAT State Championship Race.jpg
SATURDAY, June 28, 2025


Lou Fusz Athletic Training Center

1 Athletic Drive

Earth City, MO 63045

TIME: 11:00AM - 4:00PM


Creve Couer Park

13725 Marine Avenue

St. Louis, MO 63146

TIME: 11:30AM - 4:30PM




We encourage athletes to pick up your packet today and drop off your bike today instead of race day! You can leave your bike in transition; we will have security all night to keep it safe. Leave gear at home, that comes with you race morning. The park is very close to the expo, so plan on picking up your packet, exploring the awesome expo, and then heading over with your bike! No race day packet pickup (exceptions made if not possible), bike drop is highly recommended.

You cannot pickup someone else's packet unless you are doing a relay. Make sure you bring your Photo ID and bike You do not need to bring your bike to the packet pickup location, only to the bike drop location listed above.


12:00pm & 2:00pm Highly recommended PRE-RACE TALK with Race Director Sally Drake, BYLG Water Rescue Captain Stephe Rebeck, MSE Timing Operations Manager Joshua Smith and a USAT Official.


There will be 5 specific items to be aware of:

  1. Wristband: There will be a wristband with your race number. These must be worn to access transition on Saturday and Sunday. If you misplace this band, you will need to secure a new one prior to entering transition.

  2. Timing Chip: You will receive your timing chip when you pick up your packet at the expo on Saturday. DO NOT FORGET THIS ON RACE MORNING. You will wear the timing chip on your left ankle with the chip portion facing out. This is how you will be timed. NO CHIP = NO TIME = NO RESULTS.

  3. Bike Sticker: place this on your bike, usually the seat post is the best place or the top tube.

  4. Helmet Sticker: place this on the front of your helmet.

  5. Race Bib: You are only required to wear your bib while you are on the run. It should always be forward-facing and visible. You can affix it to you using safety pins or a bib belt.


You will rack your bike according to your race number. Look for your number at the end of each rack. Bikes must be racked in alternating directions, preferably by the seat.


Allow time to visit -

  • vendor booths

  • athlete's lounge under the purple tent to participate in some onsite Yoga

  • yard game section

RACE DAY & Finish Line Festival
Sunday, June 29, 2025


Creve Coeur Park

13725 Marine Avenue

Saint Louis, MO 63146

TIME: 4:30am – 1:00pm



There is a variety of parking around Creve Coeur Park. The closest and most advantageous parking is the grass field directly to the west of the Tremayne Shelter. This parking lot will be inaccessible between 6:00am and 10:30am as Marine Drive closes for the race, any spectators that wish to park here must be on site before Marine Drive closes. Because we are using the highway for our bike course, we cannot delay the start of the race. To this end, we cannot stress enough the importance of arriving early. There will be volunteers directing athletes and volunteers to specific parking areas.
Please follow their directions for parking and do not run them over :)

4:30am – Transition Opens – check in gear. Athletes only in the transition area, we will check your wrist band that you will find in your packet.

5:00am – Wetsuit announcement – legal if water is 78 degrees or below. Not legal if it is over, and wetsuit optional if 78-82 degrees but this group will not be eligible for any awards or USAT points. 82 degrees or above – NO wetsuits allowed.

6:00am - Marine Drive Closes


6:15am – Swim warm up or splash in if daylight allows


6:30am – Transition Closes – you will NOT be allowed back in. Athletes line up to start. Pre-race announcements


6:30am – Para-athletes starts begin!

6:45am - Sprint swim starts begin!

7:00am - Olympic swim starts begin!

7:15am - Duathlon starts begin! Please gather around the finish line no later than 7:05am to hear important race announcements and to line up to start. 


7:30am- 6K starts begin! Please gather around the finish line no later than 7:20am to hear important race announcements and to line up to start. 


10:15am – Bike Course Closes

10:30am - Marine Drive Reopens


Listen for announcements, we will do the awards as soon as the majority have finished.



The Saint Louis Triathlon will start athletes in 2 waves: Sprint Wave and Olympic Wave.  Sprints will line up first, you will seed yourself by estimated swim pace, we will have volunteers with pace signs.  Athletes in each wave will enter the water 4 at a time, every 3 seconds. Once all sprint athletes are in the water there will be a short break so that the Olympic wave can line up, we will repeat the same process with the Olympic athletes.  The swim start plan will be discussed in detail at the highly recommended pre race talk.



Water and electrolyte drink will be available at aid stations along the run course for all athletes. Please carry your own nutrition. Water and electrolyte drink on the run for all athletes. NO aid stations on the BIKE COURSE, please be self-sufficient.


Our awesome sponsor, Granada Cyclery will have a mechanic in transition for last-minute needs. Granada Cyclery will also have a SAG vehicle on the course just in case you have an issue that you cannot fix during the ride.


Food, drinks, vendors, and music under the shelter! Invite family and friends!


The Elite Olympic Wave consists of experienced triathletes competing on the Olympic course for prize money provided by our generous sponsor, ROCKR racing. Olympic Elite athletes will answer a series of questions when they register to determine their eligibility. Elite Olympic athletes will have a mass wave start with male athletes going first and then females.  


Listen for announcements. We will do the awards as soon as the majority
have finished.

  • Top 3 Overall Male, Female & Non-Binary Awards for the following divisions: Sprint Triathlon, Sprint Aquabike, Sprint Duathlon, Sprint Aquathlon, Sprint Paratriathlon, High School Sprint Triathlon, Athena/Clydesdale Triathlon, Olympic Triathlon, Olympic Aquabike, Olympic Duathlon, Olympic Aquathlon, Olympic Paratriathlon, Olympic Athena/Clydesdale Triathlon, 6K Run/Walk

  • Top 3 Age Group Male, Female, Non-Binary Awards for the following divisions: Sprint Triathlon & Olympic Triathlon

  • Top 3 Relay Teams for the following divisions: Sprint Relay and Olympic Relay

All participants will race based on their age as of 12/31/2025.

The age group breakdown is standard 5-year age groups, 0-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30- 34….75+

Elite Olympic Wave Prize Money

  • The top 4 male and top 4 female athletes will each win prize money in the following amounts:

  • 1st place – $300.00, 2nd place – $200.00, 3rd place – $100.00, 4th place – $50.00  

  •  Athletes must qualify and register as an elite participant in order to be eligible for prize money. Elite participants are not eligible for overall or age group awards.

USAT, or USA Triathlon, is the national governing body of the sport of Triathlon. Sanctioning an event through USAT means the race is provided insurance for its athletes, race coordinators, and volunteers. As a sanctioned triathlon, all athletes are required to either be an annual USAT member or purchase a one-day membership pass. If you are currently a USAT member, please make sure to bring your proof of membership when you pick up your packet. If you do not bring this proof, you will be
charged the one-day membership fee. If you are not an annual member, you will need to purchase a one-day membership (to insure you as a triathlete) before you are able to pick up your packet. One-day membership will be collected when you register online.


A USAT Official will be at the event and will be enforcing all USAT rules. It is strongly suggested you visit the USAT website for the complete list of rules and review.

Race management reserves the right to remove an athlete from the course and DNF the athlete if course officials determine there is no possibility of an athlete finishing the given discipline (swim, bike, run) before the posted cut off times based on an athlete’s location, time, and average speed up to that point.

• Swim must be completed under 30 minutes from athlete race start

• Bike must be completed under 2 hours from athlete race start or by 10:15am (whichever comes first)

• Run must be completed under 3 hours from athlete race start

• Swim must be completed under 1 hour from athlete start

• Bike must be completed under 3 hours, 15 minutes from athlete start or by 10:15am (whichever comes first)

• Run must be completed under 4 hours, 30 minutes from athlete start


*All athletes must be finished with the bike portion of the race by 10:15am


Last day to register to guarantee a race shirt is June 1, 2025.


There is NO inclement weather makeup date. In case of inclement weather,
management reserves the right to cancel/alter/modify the race/course for safety concerns. In any case there will be No Refunds of race entry fees. Each athlete must accept any such risk of their entry fee paid. There is no complementary race entry to a future race. All monies collected are used to develop and produce the event, including all race supplies, staffing, and administration. We pledge to make every effort to produce a fair, safe, and exciting event for all. Any decision we make to go forth with the race is based on the overall event safety. We have a strict NO REFUND policy.



There may be a photographer on site capturing pictures of the event. Since this is a public event, we reserve the right to post photos on our social media or agency website. Photos may also be used in promotional materials.

Relay triathlon is a WONDERFUL way to experience a triathlon if you are not ready to run the whole thing, if you are not capable of competing in a specific leg, or if you just want an opportunity to share something unique with friends or family. A triathlon relay can be done with 2 or 3 people. The team can consist of all male participants, all female or mixed. Each person does 1 or 2 legs of the race. The timing chip will have a Velcro strap on it and is handed off from one athlete to the next in transition. All athletes receive full swag and finisher medals.

Spectators, the unsung hero of the triathlon. Without family and friends there to cheer us forward, the rigors of our sport would be far more difficult. MSE Racing is dedicated to ensuring that these vital portions of our triathlon family are given the opportunity to enjoy themselves while they wait for the next opportunity to see you fly by.

MSE Racing is proud to provide the following amenities:

  • Sign making craft table for kids

  • Yard game section

  • Music for additional entertainment

  • Vendor and club booths available to visit


So, bring out those cow bells and noise makers for a fun day at the race!

There is a variety of parking around Creve Coeur Park. The closest and most advantageous parking is the grass field directly to the west of the Tremayne Shelter. This parking lot will be inaccessible from 6:00 am to 10:15am as Marine Drive will be closing, so any athletes/spectators that wish to park here must be on site before Marine Drive closes and stay until Marine Drive opens. If athletes/spectators wish to arrive after 6:00 am and/or want to leave before 10:15am they can access Marine from the other side off of HWY 364 using the Bennington Place Exit or off of HWY 270 using the Dorsett Exit and park in the Taco Bell Shelter Lot and walk along the Creve Coeur Lake Trail to the finish area. 


Sheraton Westport Chalet Hotel St. Louis 

Hampton Inn & Suites St. Charles Old Town Area

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